Meranti sarang punai - Shorea parvifolia Dyer ssp. parvifolia - Dipterocarpaceae [1]

Meranti sarang punai - Shorea parvifolia Dyer ssp. parvifolia - Dipterocarpaceae
Other names:

Seraya punai (Malay, Sabah), Light red meranti, White lauan (English) [1]

General information:

A large forest tree up to 65 m (210 ft) tall with a wide crown [2]

Distinguish botanical characteristics:

Leaf – alternate, simple, penni-veined [2]
Fruit – 10 mm long, green-pink, with three ca. 57 mm long wings, wind dispersed [2]
Heartwood – light red to pink or pink-brown, with white resin streaks [3]


Medicinal uses – none known
Wood – major source of the timber ‘Light Red Meranti’, used for panelling, joinery, light carpentry, furniture, plywood, crates, boxes, veneers and other purposes [2]

Major/bioactive phytochemicals:

Stem bark – flavonoids, saponins, tannins, terpenoids, reducing Sugar [1]

Categories: List of plants