Tepus – Etlingera metriocheilos (Griff.) R.M.Sm. var. meteiocheilos - Zingiberaceae [1]

77 Tepus - Etlingera metriocheilos (Griff.) R.M. Sm. var. metriocheilos
Hornstedtia spathulata Ridl. [1]
Other names:
Tepus darah, Tepus merah, Kantan merah [1]
General information:
Herb to 4 m tall; lowland and hill forest; widespread. [1]
Distinguish botanical characteristics:

Leaf – dark green above, dark purple-red beneath when young, sheaths – dull red or green, produces no distinct scent when crushed [2]
Rhizome – pink, dark red or dull purple-red [2]
Inflorescence – sub-globose or sub-cylindric; flower – deep red or crimson involucral bracts, deep crimson lip with wide margin [2]
Fruit – obovoid, densely covered with short hairs, dark purple [2]


Medicinal uses – none known.
Other uses – none known.

Major/bioactive phytochemicals:
Rhizomes – crude extract – 𝑎-pinene, borneol, gingerols, zingiberene, shoagols – antibacterial and cytotoxic on breast cancer cells, MCF7 [3]

[1] Retrieved 09 August 2022 from https://www.mybis.gov.my/sp/25964
[2] Kaw, S. H. (2001) Gardens’ Bulletin Sinngapore 53, 191-239
[3] Nagappan, T. et al, In: Abdullah, M. T. et al. (eds.). Greater Kenyir Landscapes:Social Development and Environmental Sustainability: From Rideg to Reef, 75-82.

SK & NMH, 2022

Categories: List of plants