Berangan - Castanopsis javanica A. DC. - Fagaceae

43 - Berangan- Castanopsis javanica (Blume) A. DC. - Fagaceae
Other names:
  1. Berangan (Malay)
  2. Kupat (Kelabit)
  3. Kupat (Sarawak)[1]
General information:

Castanopsis javanica is an evergreen tree growing 10 – 40 metres tall. The bole, which is sometimes fluted, is 20 – 100cm in diameter.
The tree yields a durable timber that is used locally. It is cultivated locally in Java for the production of its edible nuts. This is one of many timber-bearing species in the genus Castanopsis that is harvested from the wild on a commercial basis and traded under the name Berangan [2]

Distinguish botanical characteristics:


The bark is a source of tannins and can be used as a dye, to weatherproof fibres etc. The bark is used for making kegs for storing rice. The branches and stems of many Castanopsis species are used as bed logs in mushroom cultivation[2]
Major/bioactive phytochemicals:



[1] https://www.mybis.gov.my/sp/8352 http://tropical.theferns.info/viewtropical.php?id=Castanopsis+javanica

SK & MT, 2022

Categories: List of plants