Bruni - Antidesma cuspidatum Müll.Arg - Euphorbiaceae [1]

General information:

A shrub or small understorey tree up to 12 m, common throughout lowland forest [1]

Distinguish botanical characteristics:

Leaf – simple, leathery, alternate, oblong or elliptical [1], looping secondary vein, cuspidate leaf tip [3]
Inflorescence – raceme, flowers – green [2]
Fruit – fleshy drupe, purplish-red [3]
Heart wood – red, sapwood – white, red, reddish brown or pale yellow [4]


Medicinal uses – leaves – carminative medicine [5]
Wood – for small scale use because not available in large quantities, firewood [2]
Others – Suitable as horticultural plant due to its attractive fruits [1]

Major/bioactive phytochemicals:
Bark – alkaloids – cuspidatin, cuspidatinol – cytotoxic compounds against L1210 mouse leukemia cells [5]
Categories: List of plants