Akar Daun Tapak Kuda - Phanera bidentata (Jack) Benth. - Fabaceae[1]

49 - Bauhinia bidentata Jack var. bidentata
Other names:

Dedaup, Katup-katup (Malay) [1], Pride of Selangor, Orange bauhinia (English) [2]

General information:
Dedaup, Katup-katup (Malay) [1], Pride of Selangor, Orange bauhinia (English) [2]
Distinguish botanical characteristics:

Leaf – simple, shallowly bifid, alternate, red turning green as it matures, upper surface – glabrous, lower surface – covers with layer of hairs [1]
Flowers – on a corymbose inflorescence, petals – yellow darkening to dark orange as it ages [1]
Fruits – glabrous pods [1]


Medicinal uses – roots: for treating toothache while unspecified parts were used for nervous complaints [3]
Stem – long, flexible and durable for tying fences [3], for climbing on the trees in the wild [4]
Others – a butterfly food plant [2], has great ornamental and landscaping value due to its luxuriant foliage and the showy long-lasting blooming, suitable for covering fences, trellises, pergolas [4]

Major/bioactive phytochemicals:

None reported

Categories: List of plants