Keranji kuning besar - Dialium platysepalum Baker - Fabaceae [1]

40 - Keranji kuning besar - Dialium platysepalum Baker - Fabaceae
Keranji kuning besar
The buttress of D. platysepalum of IIUM Forest of ‘Ilm
Other names:
Keranji bulu, Keranji tebal kechil (Malay) [1]
General information:
A tree to 45 m tall, a canopy tree of mainly primary forest, can flower all year round, can fix atmospheric nitrogen by having symbiotic relationship certain soil bacteria from nodules on its roots[2]
Distinguish botanical characteristics:

Leaf – alternate, imparipinnate; leaflets – alternate, oblong-elliptic to lanceolate, coriaceous, hairy, apex – long acuminate[3]
Fruit – Obovoid, densely brown velvety, testa – light brown to blackish, shiny[3]
Wood – heart wood – golden – or red-brown; sapwood – white to yellowish[2]


Medicinal uses – none reported.
Fruit – edible – eaten raw or candied, sought from the wild[2]
Wood – keranji timber for heavy construction, flooring[2]

Major/bioactive phytochemicals:

None reported.

Categories: List of plants