Kandis Burung - Garcinia parvifolia (Miq.) Miq. - Clusiaceae

33 - Garcinia parvifolia (Miq.) Miq.
Other names:

Asam Kandis (Malay); Kandis (Malay); Kundong (Malay)[1]

General information:

Garcinia parvifolia is an evergreen tree growing up to 33 metres tall. The bole can be up to 23cm in diameter. A very popular fruit in Brunei, where it is commonly gathered from the wild. The tree is also cultivated, mainly in gardens and especially in SE Asia, as a fruit crop

Distinguish botanical characteristics:

Seed – we have no specific information on this species, but the seed of most members of the genus can be slow to germinate, even if sown fresh, often taking 6 months or more[2]

Major/bioactive compounds:
Triterpenoids, stigmasterol and p-sitosterol, three xanthones, 6-deoxyjacareubin, daphnifolin and rubraxanthone, one benzophenone, isoxanthochymol [3]



Major/bioactive phytochemicals:



[1] https://www.mybis.gov.my/sp/37626
[2] http://tropical.theferns.info/viewtropical.php?id=Garcinia+parvifolia
[3] Ee, G.C.L., S.H. Ng, J.K. Goh, M.A. Sukari, and M. Rahmani. 2009. “Chemical Constituents of Garcinia Parvifolia (Guttiferae).” Malaysian Journal of Science 28 (1): 105–10. https://doi.org/10.22452/mjs.vol28no1.12.

SK & MT, 2022

Categories: List of plants