Selayar hitam - Goniothalamus scortechinii King - Annonaceae[1]

Selayar hitam - Goniothalamus scortechinii King - Annonaceae
Other names:

Akar Gajah Beranak, Bunga Cenang, Gajah Beranak, Melada Putih, Pelah Besar Pelar, Selada, Selada Putih, Selayar Hitam, Selayar Raja Ubat[1]

General information:

Tree; lowland and hill forest to 600 m; widespread.

Distinguish botanical characteristics:

It is a tree reaching 7 meters in height. Its membranous, oblong to lance-shaped leaves are 22-50 by 5.5-19.5 centimeters with short tapering tips and pointed bases. Its petioles are 0.8 centimeters long. Its 3 membranous, rigid, round to oval sepals are 0.8-2.4 by 0.8-2.3 centimeters with shallowly pointed tips and fused at bases. Its solitary (rarely in pairs) flowers are in axillary positions and on pedicels [2]


Leaves: decoction a post-partum protective remedy [3].

Major/bioactive phytochemicals:

Pinocembrine, altholactone, goniofurarone, goniotriol and goniopypyrone[4]

1-aza-anthraquinone: Scorazanone[5]


[1] Goniothalamus scortechinii. Malaysia Biodiversity Information System (MyBIS). Accessed via https://www.mybis.gov.my/sp/36673. [Retrieved 15 June 2022].
[2] Turner, I. M. (Ian Mark) (1995). “A Catalogue of the Vascular Plants of Malaya”. The Gardens’ bulletin, Singapore. Vol. 47. Singapore: National Parks Board. p. 114. ISSN 0374-7859.
[3] Burkill IH. (1953).A Dictionary of the Economic Products of the Malay Peninsula, Vol. 1. London: Crown Agent, 1097
[4] Aryanti et al..(2009). Sains Malaysiana 38(3): 365-369.
[5] Din et al. (1990). Phytochemistry 29: 346-348.

SK & SZMS 2022

Categories: List of plants